Thursday, 26 March 2015

Vinyl Vs. CDs collecting Seychelles. - Dat or get digital download or sumfing.

 Some of you have jobs; I have a job and you have a job, but what is value and reward of work. Money. Yes, greenbacks, redbacks, motherfucking orangebacks. Motherfucking money to make you happy and rich.

 But fuck being rich, spend it - and like all good metal,rock,something, fuck it, headbangers. It's time to build a collection, a collection to rival that twat down the street with his own shitty collection. Fuck that guy.

But to be serious; many find it daunting to get all the latest good shit, and being in Seychelles makes it a factor 10-times harder. So these are my tips to help you guys out;

 Step 1 - a bank card that works; right now Barclays bank may be bullshit - but it's the only one that is not fucktard stupid with international purchasing unlike MCB and Nouvobanq.... (really guys?)

Step 2 - Once obtaining said bank card, PAYPAL - yes PAYPAL.

Step 3 - Weeebbssssiiitteeeesss *Smacking your head*; yes there are good mediums to getting Music transported to you; but a breakdown.
     Digital downloads - 'Bandcamp'; a lovely creation where newer bands can give you digital, or physical products with payment through paypal

  Amazon, serious they can do music and movies, but not video games. fucking retards.

  Follow the bands - if you love a band, you sometimes check up on them, they do indicate when a new LP or EP / or Split will be coming out in release, and with a very very useful link
  Followed closely by online metal/rock magazines and their reviews.

Now for the crunch of this conversation with you, lopsided at best. Your choice of collection; luckily there is good news. There is nothing better than the other outright, if you choose CDs or Vinyl records.

 Both are relatively cheap these days to get from bands - since vinyl has seen a resurgence for collectors, and pressing machines are frequent with their expert craftsmen at the helm. The abundance of records being produced has dropped their prices down.

But in the context of Seychelles Vinyl has one superb quality, the environment cannot damage vinyl, salt air, and sea breezes cant ruin it like electronics or CDs, particular the old ones which were hyper-venerable to non-temperate climates.

Not to say that CDs are worse; since their technology has vastly improved with tempered coatings and sealing agents used on them these days.

But vinyl have proven one thing, if they can last 70 years plus with a bit of crackling goodness then go ahead, get em! You have to physically SCRATCH the vinyl in order to make them useless. Just like a CD.

I hope this has a nice incitement article  with less swearing.

Oh here's some music you whores. \

               info: Band - Groan
               Download link :

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